Wednesday, September 2, 2009

#5 - pronunciation fail

sorry, everyone. instead of a turtle tuesday, you get an awkward wednesday post instead. lucky you.
comic #5

For those of you who do not get the joke here, our dear friend laura here has the uncanny ability to not be able to pronounce giants' pitcher tim lincecum's last name correctly. None of us know why. It's pretty much self-explanatory. For more details on the reigning NL cy young winner, visit my blog, there's usually a post pertaining to him every 5 days or so. --mandachan

1 comment:

  1. Lol. I love how David is over hearing the conversation! Also, why would you pronounce Lincecum as 'Linchcum,' Laura? But that's what makes it even funnier, I guess. Haha! -CA
